Community Involvement

Smile Cookie Week with Tim Hortons

September 19th to 25th 2022.

With 100% of proceeds from every Smile Cookie supporting charities and community groups in our community, we had to get out and pass some along!

Blessing Bags 2022

With the amazing support and generous donations from Whitehorse businesses and people near and far we where able to assemble 100 Blessing Bags this year!  We filled the Outreach van again and we were told by the van workers that the office was getting calls asking when the blessing bags where coming out…..Just warms my heart that knowing in our 9th year of doing this that we do make a difference <3

Blessing Bags 2021

Since 2013 these reusable bags that are filled by donations include: basic health & grooming necessities, warm clothing items, non-perishable snacks, and a handmade Christmas card.  These Blessing Bags are distributed right before Christmas by the Outreach Van in Whitehorse to the less fortunate.

“Thanks so much for your initiative and kindness with this, it really makes a difference for the people we serve to keep them warm and put a smile on their faces!”…Outreach Van Coordinator

#choosetoinclude Tim Horton donuts purchased and shared to support our local Special Olympic athletes

Urban Realty Group, proud sponsor of Special Olympics